Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tomorrow is D Day

Tomorrow is my "re-do" double jaw surgery. Re-do meaning I had this surgery done over 20 years ago and it was not done properly. So, here it goes again!

My surgery will be performed in Dallas by Dr. Steven Sherry at the Woodhill Surgery Center. I check in at 7 and I assume the surgery will kick off around 8-ish. The sooner, the better in my eyes! They said the surgery will last approximately 7 hours. I obviously will get stabilized and once they think I'm ok, I'm going home tomorrow evening. Dr. Sherry's ICU nurse will be staying with me at my house. Kinda crazy I will be able to go home considering what I endured the last surgery (3 night ICU stay and 2 night hospital stay thereafter); but, they say this is typical for their patients. So, I'm being cautiously optimistic!

Because it is a re-do, they also have to remove the old hardware (plates, screws, wires) currently in my jaws. I spoke to Dr. Sherry tonight and think I threw him for a loop when I  requested for the hardware being removed to be saved for me. Pretty sure he's never got that request before. Never know, I could make it into some weird art or jewelry. I like to keep shit weird sometimes. :0

I got my surgical hooks on at my orthodontist's office, Dr. Terry Adams. For anyone in Dallas, I would more than highly recommend him. He's amazing and very well respected and is very familiar with surgery cases and works very closely with the surgeons. Back to the surgical hooks, they were fairly easy for them to be installed. Did have a little shock hearing I would have them in for up to 6 weeks. I guess they use them for my mouth to be wired just during the surgery and then a crazy combo of rubber bands after. The hooks don't really looks so bad, but I'm sure once the rubber bands are on there, it will be super cute :) But, I'm just going to roll with the punches and try to stay as positive as possible.

I had my last proper meal tonight and ordered the most random stuff, but it was delish... The waiter thought I was crazy how I was ordering and my parents told me this was "my last supper" and he started bringing me more food LOL. He also ended the meal with saying a prayer for me which definitely choked me up. Everyone's kindness has been overwhelming.

I've posted some pics of the hooks, my old bite before braces last year, and the last supper with my awesome parents who flew in to help take care of me. Guess it's time for me to attempt to go to bed. Will try to post updates in a few days.

Muah! -Ash

#itsgotime #doublejawsurgery #jawprobs #ashleysjawproblems #surgicalhooks #lastsupper
Surgical Hook Grill 

Can't wait to get this corrected

One of everything please

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