Monday, February 8, 2016

Day 1 - Let the fun begin - BRACES :0


I'm counting this as Day 1 of treatment for my SECOND double jaw surgery even though my research/office visits to different surgeons started well over 6 months ago.  This morning, Dr. Adams in Dallas put my top braces on. Apparently, they wait until the next visit to put the brackets in and the following to put the bottom braces on. My memory was quickly jogged on the never ending ortho office visits that I'll have for the next 12 months (praying to god it will be 12!!) Basically, I feel like I'm 14 all over again....And, not in the I feel so young and fresh kind of way, but more of a feeling of general pissy angst. That being said, it really wasn't thattttt bad and they don't look too hideous. But, I'm still not stoked about having to get these things on....for the second my thirties....while I'm single. I just keep on reminding myself that this is the first step to correct something I want fixed. So, braces on, check.

I know that I'll be in braces for about 6 months prior to surgery and 6 months after. I am still in the decision making process for the surgeon, but I have it narrowed down to two surgeons - one is in Dallas and the other is in California. Both surgeons come highly recommended, but I have reservations about both. One has more experience with 're-do's' like mine, but he's out of state in California (which gives me pause as I'm in Dallas). Hopefully, I can weigh out the pros and cons one last time and make a decision here in the next week or two.

That's it for now, will keep everyone updated on the surgeon I land on. Feel free to ask me any questions or offer any guidance.

Chow for Now!

#jawprobs #doublejawsurgery #jawsurgeryrecovery

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